How Did I Get Here?


When I was nearing the end of  8th grade, my parents sold their house in upstate Massachusetts and relocated the remaining kids (three of us still at home) to the Deep South.

I knew nothing about Sanford, Florida, other than my Godparents (whom I’d never met) lived there, and it was fairly close to Daytona Beach, and Disney World.

And it was once the ”Celery Capital of the World.“

When I started high school in the fall. I learned that the school system had only integrated just a few years before I got there.

The school that became  9th grade-only campus had previously been the ”separate but equal“ school during the Jim Crow era.

The students in grades 10-12 now attended classes  in what had been the school for white students throughout Seminole County.

I don’t know when my district in Massachusetts integrated. Though my aunts and uncles who went to the high school in the 1920s had Black classmates.  A nearby district, in Lowell, was integrated since its founding in the 1840s.

There was no shortage of racism in New England, but the practice of legal segregation had never seemed as close as it did when we relocated to Florida.

I was a stranger in a strange land.

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Celery City

In the days after George Floyd’s killing, I thought much about racism, my white privilege, and just about everything else.  I woke up each morning feeling as though I should write, or say, angry words.

And I did.

I found that many of those words were directed at Sanford, my Central Florida hometown, where I’d observed egregious acts of racism.

Though as my thoughts drifted to other thoughts, I was surprised by my recall of some positive experiences coming out of Celery City (Sanford’s nickname).

After a cooling off period I decided to pursue  a few of those stories. I will likely publish some of the negative stories, too; though will try to no let those consume me.

A couple of the positive stories (still in development ) , ”Woke Barber” and ”That Stain Is On Our Soul” are related to the City of Sanford’s reprehensible treatment of Jackie Robinson. Thus, I’ve provided the background post, ”Royal” on that topic.

The series begins with a brief description of my transition from  New Englander to Southern Boy: ”How Did I Get Here?”

I have several story pursuits in my head, and have no idea of  how many I’ll actually write, or publish.  Though only one way to know how this ends is  to begin.

So, here we go….

  1. How Did I Get Here?
  2. Royal
  3. Woke Barber
  4. Scaling Mount Dora
  5. That Stain Is On Our Soul
  6. Trayvon Martin And The Demise of Critical Thinking
  7. Twitless
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We Can Be Heroes

Man, Compartmentalize Thyself

Sometime ago, my wife came home and was aghast when she looked at the chaos in the kitchen where I was trying to: 

  • Chop vegetables and
  • Grate Cheese and
  • Feed the pets and 
  • Clean an iron skillet  and 
  • Empty the  dishwasher (while dirtying more dishes) ….

All this was happening while I tried to  stay informed about current events by watching a news show replay on YouTube….not that many moments after scrambling to pick up the kid from school.

I was visibly stressed as I communicated all the things that I was trying to do and that I was doing them “all at once at once.”

I added a comment, “I’m not Superman.”

She replied “You don’t have to be, though it would help if you became better at….”

I thought she  was going to end with “multi-tasking” and was already preparing my response, “You know, that multitasking, isn’t really something that humans can do, because…”

But she said, “…compartmentalizing.” That stopped me in my tracks. 

There is much  truth to that. While I am capable of strong focus under many circumstances, life is full of circumstances are that are less than favorable.

The world is so full of distractions, that even when we plan to be distraction-free, life finds a way to distract us find us. Phones ring, kids cry, solicitors knock at your door (CAN’T THEY READ THE “NO SOLICITING” SIGN?!?).

In my case, things can get particularly silly, if I am trying to complete several home-related tasks for myself, or my family and they are without a stringent deadline, if there is a deadline at all.

Sprinkle in some work-related pursuits, and some unexpected pet mishaps, and soon my life can look like this:

Trash on Kitchen Floor

“Who’s a Good Girl?”

In this scenario it becomes way too easy switch to a different task, if the task at hand becomes even a little bit frustrating. “I’ll get back to this later.”

It doesn’t take long before there are several tasks that I will get back “later,” with each task stealing focus from the others, such that none of them get done well, if they get done at all.


Not long after the observation by my wife, I read astronaut Scott Kelly’s biography. Kelly, famously spent 520 days aboard the International Space Station. There are so many notable things about about the book and Kelly’s career, but it was his mention of the importance of compartmentalization that struck a chord with me.

Kelly described how he often has no choice, but to compartmentalize.

Astronauts’ days are scheduled at a particularly granular level. Each and every day is planned for them in incredible detail. There is usually not that much flexibility in their day, and if there is unplanned task, it is rather likely it is due to a critical equipment failure that requires expeditious repair.

Given my description of the chaotic kitchen scene, you might find this surprising, but I think I’d be pretty good at astronauting. In space there are few choices but to compartmentalize. If you are called upon to repair the carbon dioxide scrubber for the space station’s ventilation system, then you can’t  let anything in the cosmos distract you.

“I Am Not Superman”

After making the decision to write this blog post, I ensured that I had allotted sufficient time and sat down in space where I wouldn’t get distracted. 

Of course, I got distracted, because I am not Superman. 

Though I didn’t mind distraction  so much because it’s helpful to loosen the compartment boundaries while I’m brainstorming. Once I began to think about space travel, it wasn’t long until I started thinking about, Star Trek.

This made me think of my youth. Naturally, that led me to think of sports and superheroes: 

Actions Figures, Superman, and Hockey Star Bobby Orr Scuffline

Boxers vs. Briefs
(Hockey Star Bobby Orr and Superman)

Few things (other than spacemen) have brought me greater joy in my life than comic books did when I was young. Before I collected them, my older brother did.

After I stopped, my younger brother started buying them. They were always in the house.

Men of Steal

DC and Marvel, the two largest comics companies, have a long history of “borrowing” character ideas from each other. There is much written about who stole what from whom.

There is also a lot of internal sampling within the companies. For example, there are several characters in the DC universe that have a very similar superpowers portfolio as Superman (a reminder we’ve already established that I am not Superman). 

Some examples:

  • Supergirl, who is a cousin of Superman, and like him,  was born on Krypton. She has identical set of superpowers.

  • Wonder Woman  is invulnerable and has super strength, speed, and stamina.

  • Shazam possesses the powers of six gods from Greek and Roman mythology. The sum total of all the powers from these is gods is roughly equivalent to Superman.

  • Mon-El lives in the 30th century (perhaps ” ‘will’ live” is more appropriate) where he is a member of The Legion of Superheroes. His powers are so similar to the Man of Steel, Superman once believed him to be a relative.

  • Ultra Boy is another member of the Legion that has all of same powers as Superman/Supergirl with an interesting limitation (more on that coming).

Here are Mon-El and Ultra Boy to introduce themselves:


I Am Ultra Boy

Yes, Ultra Boy has all the same powers of Superman and Supergirl.  But….he can only use one power at a time.

One. Power. At. A. Time

I remember a comic book scene years ago, where a villain, disguised as one his allies, asked  Ultra Boy to lift an object that weighed several tons. The affable Ultra Boy switched off his invulnerability to activate his super strength.

At that point, BAM! The bad guy, conked him with a metal bar rendering him unconscious. 

Ultra Boy’s weakness isn’t Kryptonite. It’s multi-tasking.

Ultra Boy is all of us.

We all sometimes  try to do too much at once,;things we’re good at, things we’re learning, things we’ve  planned for, and unexpected things at the same time. I  don’t do that very well. Because I’m not Superman (Supergirl, Shazam…).

But I can be a pretty convincing Ultra Boy. 

  • I have the strength to carry bins full of Christmas decorations to the basement, OR wrestle a large office chair from the backseat of a tiny car. 

  • With my super-vision I can spot a turd—that a 7-lb dog left  n the carpet—from several yards away, to avoid stepping in it, OR  I can  view a webinar on the couch and say “I’ll clean it up later,  I ain’t got time for that shit right now.”

  • I am fast enough to chase down a cat, who has the evil intent to scratch furniture, OR  to write a response to a recruiter. 

  • My stamina is great  enough to shovel snow  or  clean an entire kitchen, (and occasionally a cluttered garage, etc.)

I can do all those things. I just can’t do them all at once, or any two of them at once, for that matter. 

We can all be heroes. Even if we have to occasionally become vulnerable to use our other powers. 


This post took an extraordinary amount of time to write because I was listening to a lengthy news story on the radio.

I have seen the enemy and it is multitasking. Though I will defeat this villain, for I am Ultra Boy.


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Forever Young

Up, Up, and Away!

Like just about all of you, I’ve been in a constant, sporadic, focused, distracted, elucidating, confusing,  exhilarating, and exhausting state of reflection.

That is, the moments of reflection when  I’m not consumed with ennui and staring off into space, while eating a stick of butter.

Recently, I spent a few moments trying to connect myself  with good thoughts. Usually this means thinking of past events, rather than contemplating the future.

Reflections of the past feel like historical research, while thinking of future events seem more like trying to write fiction. Frankly, it’s not too hard to imagine a dystopian novel, based on current events alone.

Of course, my thoughts raced toward  superheroes. Because…why wouldn’t they?

It’s difficult to convey how much I loved superheroes as a child. The Batman TV series, comic books, Saturday morning cartoons…brought so much joy into my young life.

When adults asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I’d often answer “I want to make comic books.” I wasn’t good at drawing, or coloring as a child…but lack of artistic skills didn’t seem like a barrier.

Though when I was 9, I played my first “real sport” (Little League baseball), and was slightly better at playing third base  than I was at art.

It would be a stretch to say that I  was good at it. Though it was fulfilling enough that I had a new obsession.

Lack of talent didn’t feel like a barrier in this context, either. Suddenly, it  seemed obvious  that my adult life would be difficult in the sense only  that I would have to choose which sport I would play professionally…”when I grow up.”

Shortly thereafter  I stopped buying comic books, preferring to spend my money on baseball cards, and occasionally  Wacky Packages.

Though my brother, four years younger, became interested in comics, so I continued to read them, while I publicly scoffed at such “kid stuff.”

He has never stopped buying them, so there were always fresh titles in the house when we both still lived at our parents’ home.

All Grown Up

Nearly 16 years ago, my son (my only child) arrived, a and felt like I might have finally grown up, but didn’t play a professional sport, or do anything cool like make comic books.  On some levels, being a grown up was a bit of a letdown.

My son eventually started to love  comic books, though used to regularly  come home with fistfuls of SpongeBob magazines while only occasionally grabbing a Superman, or Thor title.

When my son was about 10 we made a trip to the local Comic Con convention. I had never been to this event before, so didn’t know what I was in for.

It was way  larger than I expected.

In the beginning, I was enchanted by all the merchandise. Some of it was vintage, some of it was newer; therefore I toggled between “I had that!” and “I wish they made that when I was a kid.”

Soon, I reached  point  of diminishing returns where my time invested wasn’t receiving a payoff in enjoyment.

I had been through most of the merchandise stands, and my rate of “I had that” moments was declining.

The comic book art became tedious after a couple of hours of countless renderings  of superheroes, and many characters I didn’t recognize.

I began whining (to myself) and mouthing the words, “Can we go home, yet?”

My son kept finding things that interested him: The Jeep from Jurassic Park, and other large-vehicle exhibits and other gadgetry. Things I was never all that into.

As I slow-shuffled, with slumped shoulders, to the next aisle in the exhibit hall. I heard a voice call out to get my attention,

I turned to see an elderly man, clad in a baseball cap that said “WW II Veteran”, and a shirt, or coat, that was composed of comic book covers.

I saw that Wonder Woman was standing next to him. It made me smile.

Couple at ComicCon Booth

The Bellmans

The moment, I made eye contact, he began his pitch, “I was the ORIGINAL  Captain America artist….”

I marveled (pun intended) at  his New York-flavored voice. It was as though I was in the presence of a performer  (perhaps Mike Meyers from SNL Days)  doing an impression of a vintage Borscht-Belt comedian.

“Stan Lee used to work for ME!” he continued.

He kept talking as people came up and asked about his artwork.  He would be diverted  for a few moments, and his wife would ring up the sale of his illustrations, then resumed his “origin story” without missing a beat. His enthusiasm never wavered.

I learned that his name was Allen Bellman, and that Wonder Woman’s ” secret identity” was Roz Bellman.

I chatted with them for several minutes, pausing periodically as fans came to get poster art signed. Talking with, and watching, and hearing  them was pure pleasure.

My son picked out this illustration by Bellman, after I explained to him about “The Invaders”.

Drawing of Marvel Superhereos: Sub Mariner, Captain America, and The Human Torch

The Invaders

The kid  was still pretty shy at the time, so he didn’t interact with the Bellmans that much, but shot a big grin at them, and called out “Thank you!” when Bellman signed the poster.

I think he felt like he’d won the lottery.


A few moments after recalling my years-ago encounter with the Bellmans, I found out that Allen Bellman had died at the age of 95.

It’s hard to describe how much fun it was to spend a few minutes with these people—total strangers, who treated me like a I was lifelong friend.

These were two  people who totally embraced “Do what you love. Love what you do.” philosophy.

And they offer proof that even when you reach adulthood, you don’t have to grow up.

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