Busch League

When I lived in Chicago, a couple of college friends used to come to town when the Cardinals were playing the Cubs because they had a friend who was a Cards relief pitcher.

After one game in 1994, my friends went back to their hotel to change clothes, and the relief pitcher (RP) invited me to a party that Rick Sutcliffe (then with Cards, but a former Cubs pitcher) was hosting at a bar across the street from Wrigley Field.

RP, told me he was getting a Corona and he asked me if I wanted one.

I never had one before, but answered ”Uh…sure,”

As we drank them, RP said, ”I have to make sure when I’m in public that I drink a family’ beer.”

He then explained that Anhauser-Busch had (I think) 20% stake in Corona’s parent, so Corona beers were cool with the Busch family, who also owned the Cardinals.

He then told a story of a Cards player who was spotted drinking a beer that was not an A-B brand.

The next day the player was called into the General Manager’s office, where he was told: ”Since you seem to be fond of a competitor’s beer, we thought you’d enjoy the chance to drink it full time. Clean out your locker, you’ve been traded to Milwaukee.”

I’ve been in work situations where clients’ products (food, beer, computers….) were ubiquitous in the office. Also, a former company used to change long-distance services when they were pitching new telecom clients.

When I worked for a Microsoft parter, people used “Bing” as a verb instead of “Google.” “Search” is the verb I prefer. It fits all contexts. Though I’ve never really been subjected to coerced brand loyalty.

How about you? Have you ever been in professional situation where you were compelled to consume specific products or services by your employer?

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“You’d Be Perfect For This Position”

In the go-go 1990s, when everybody was in a rush to do something ”internety,”  I got a call from a recruiter, who breathlessly starting describing  a position in the Chicago suburbs. 

I told her I lived in the city,  was not at all interested in commuting to the suburbs, so I didn’t think I’d be a fit for the job. 

Though I agreed to send here a rÁ©sumÁ©. 

She called back a few  days later and, breathlessly began telling me about the greatest job in the history of our solar system. 

A few minutes in, I told her that I wasn’t interested. 

I reminded here I lived in the city, and didn’t have a car, and had no  interest in buying a car. Thus I was not all that interested in talking further. 

The recruiter wanted to talk anyway, and she did. The position was with an advertising agency, that had  ”been in business for 30 years.”

I already worked at an ad agency (that had been in business for 100 years), but I didn’t want to work in the agency business any longer, and was planning to leave Illinois in a few years. I began to tell her that.

”I am not interested because ……” I said. 

She interjected ”They have one client, but it’s a huge one. “

One client? My interest dropped from ”Very Little” and was quickly approaching zero.

She added ”Have you heard of McDonald’s?”

Hmm…moving on to a condescending approach?  Didn’t seem like a particularly solid technique to win somebody over.

 ”McDonald’s: that’s their client. For 30 years! The company does the work’ for their Monopoly game. They loved your rÁ©sumÁ© and are very interested in talking to you.”

 ”Does the work” and could mean anything: printing, graphic design, strategy, etc. and maybe even something internety. 

I almost asked her to elaborate, but there was no chance in my pursuing that job.

I said, ”It doesn’t matter who the account is. I don’t plan to work for a company with only one customer. My current company had a client for 75 years and they lost it last year. Furthermore, I don’t want to work in the suburbs. I don’t even have a car.”

”Well, you could  JUST  buy a car?”

”I don’t want a car. There are many reasons why I got rid of my car. I’d be happy if I never had a car again.”

”Well, you could JUST take a train.”

The location wasn’t near a commuter rail station, so transit would involve several bus transfers; therefore a lot of time, and I reiterated that I wasn’t interested. 

She was getting exasperated, and said, ”They loved your rÁ©sumÁ© and  want to know how soon you could start.”

WHAT?!? That was the second time she said she had shared my rÁ©sumÁ©. It didn’t properly register with me the first time.

”You shared my rÁ©sumÁ©?!? Why did you do that?!? And who makes decisions to hire people without an interview?” I asked, in a whisper-shout.

She replied, ”I knew you’d be perfect. And I’m sure that they’ll make it worth your while to commute out there. Or you could buy a house near their office. They have a big budget for this job, you could probably buy a nice house…”

I was way past done. With every fiber of my being, I tried to restrain myself and I reiterated all of my key points: I didn’t want to commute to, or move to, the suburbs, I didn’t want to buy a car, or spend hours commuting trains and buses. 

She tried her money line again, ”But, they’ve had the McDonald’s business for 30 years, and…”

After some effort, I was finally able to convince her that I wasn’t interested. She signed off with a disdainful ”OK. This is your loss.”

And then she added a sullen “Bye.”

I didn’t think much of  the conversation until a couple of  years later when there was a high-profile scandal involving the McDonald’s Monopoly game and some of their promotional vendors were axed. I had already relocated to Michigan, and was doing internety things.

I don’t know if the agency that the recruiter was trying to push into was affected, but it really would have sucked to buy a car, or a house and then have the best job in the solar system evaporate and to have been stuck with a car loan and/or a mortgage.

Glad that I didn’t put all  my  eggs in that  one McMuffin. 

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Yesterday (1/10/2021), a couple of days after the president’s Twitter account was locked,  I saw tweets and  opinion articles, claiming that when social media platforms suspend accounts, (aka PRIVATE companies enforcing their own acceptable-use policies) it’s like  “The New  Jim Crow.”

Well, gather around, children, let me tell you a story, or two, perhaps three….

When a  (small town, Deep South)  high school  friend’s mom was pregnant with him (circa 1964), she suffered life-threatening internal bleeding and was refused treatment at the local hospital.

Because the hospital didn’t have any “black blood. ”

They only survived because the father was a veteran and the mother given a transfusion at the Orlando Naval Training Center’s hospital (20 miles) away (Praise be to….Harry Truman for integrating the US Military in 1948.)

THAT is Jim Crow.

My friend now has four degrees and is a tenured professor, and a department head, at a university.

Though, when he was in the womb, he and his mother were   left for dead because they weren’t  deserving of “white blood.”

In that same town,  years earlier, a friend’s grandfather was told he would lose  his license to operate his hotel if he rented a room to Jackie Robinson.

THAT is Jim Crow.

A few weeks later, the local police chief threatened to jail Robinson, essentially for the crime of  “shortstopping while Black.”

THAT is Jim Crow.

Getting your Twitter account (temporarily or permanently) suspended is a nuisance.

It is NOT Jim Crow.

Jim Crow was a collection of  racist LAWS in many states, that were largely ignored by the federal government for over a century.

They were not the POLICIES of PRIVATE organizations.

Being De-Twittered is equivalent to  being banned from your favorite restaurant because you habitually violate the “No Shirt? No Shoes? No Service!” policy. You’ll survive.

Pro tip: If you have a social media  account blocked, or lose followers, it’s not recommended that you liken yourself to Rosa Parks.

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White House Wheelchairs And Lungs of Iron


“Finally the cataclysm began — the monstrous headache, the enfeebling  exhaustion, the severe nausea, the raging fever, the unbearable muscle ache, followed in another forty-eight hours by the paralysis.”

That passage  is from Phillip Roth’s novel, “Nemesis” in which he  described the onset of Poliomyelitis (commonly known as polio)  a disease transmitted by viral infection. Many polio victims experienced muscle weakness, sometimes with permanent paralysis, malformed limbs, and in some cases, death.

The US first reached epidemic levels of polio in the early 1900s, and the scourge terrorized the United States, for  half a century.

New Cataclysm

By the time I rolled around, the first polio vaccine (the Salk Vaccine) was pretty well established and the second one (the Sabin vaccine ) was already in  distribution. Thus, most of my knowledge of the polio epidemic, came from books, movies, and memories shared by people  around me, including  my older siblings.

In light of the current viral onslaught, Covid-19 ( or…novel coronavirus or SARS-CoV-2 ) that has wreaked havoc on much of the world, I endeavored to read more about the US polio epidemic.

I was rather surprised by what I found:

  1. The US polio epidemic peaked in 1952.
  2. That year, there  were 57,879 polio cases.
  3. There were  3,145 deaths.
  4. Permanent paralysis is estimated to have occurred in .5% of infections.

I’d assumed that all of the numbers (cases, permanent afflictions and deaths) would be significantly larger. Certainly, they are frightening, but the statistics pale in comparison to what the US is currently experiencing with Covid-19.

As much as it feels like it’s been with us forever, Covid-19 is a relatively new nemesis. The US is in its 10th month of Covid-19 cases.

Here is a statistical snapshot of Covid-19 in the US (as of October 25, 2020):

  1. The earliest US cases occurred in January of 2020.
  2. There have been over 8.3 million US  cases.
  3. The current death total exceeds 222,000.

Note: Among Covid-19 patients, who are no longer infected, there have been many reported cases of long-term symptoms, requiring extended hospitalization, physical therapy and other treatments. Though since we are in the early stages of this pandemic, the extent, or duration of these “long Covid” afflictions is not clear.


I shared some of the figures about polio with my older sister  (14 years my senior).  As I stated previously, I was surprised by the figures.

She was shocked.

On the phone with her several  weeks ago, when I recited some of  these statistics, her reaction was: ”Are you fucking kidding me?!?”

This was followed by, ”We weren’t allowed to do jack-shit during  the summer! We didn’t have to worry about our government requiring social distancing, our parents made us do that!”

Like many people her age, the specter of polio looms large in her memory. Thus, Covid-19 looms large in her current life. This is not surprising.

State of Denial

Though many people, my sister’s age or older, who can recall the polio epidemic, are dismissive of Covid-19. This is rather surprising to me.

Polio seemed to strike fear into the US, summer after summer. Though statistically, its worst year was way less menacing than Covid-19’s first 9 months.

I realize that there were probably polio-deniers, though it’s impossible to determine the numbers, or the extent of disinformation from that point in history, nearly 70 years in the past.

Likewise, we won’t have  a good handle on the extent of Covid19-denial, or disinformation present in 2020. It seems voluminous.

Though I suspect that the level of denial might have been lower for polio than it is for Covid-19. I say this because, in part, because the cause of polio was not known for many years.

And it was persistent, and prevalent, in some areas occurring every summer. While scientists (and  seemingly everybody with an internet connection) are still wrestling with details, it is accepted that Covid is a respiratory virus.

(Note: at the time this posts still some tussling among scientists over whether Covid-19 was carried by respiratory droplets, or if it could be carried in aerosols. It seems to be carried by both.)

The Look of Polio

Another reason that I suspect a population of deniers was smaller is that people, knew what polio LOOKED like.  There were clear reminders that  polio was a real threat.
In the early 1950s memory of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, was still fresh with parents and their older children. He was often seen standing behind a podium, but there had been clear, though intermittent, visual evidence that he could not walk without assistance.

(Note: The Roosevelt White House tightly  controlled FDR’s public image, thus only a  scant few photos or video of the president sitting in a wheelchair, or video of him walking with leg braces were ever circulated…”leaked” is probably more accurate.)

Though people knew of FDR’s physical challenges, regardless of whether they’d ever actually seen evidence.)

Then there were the polio wards. The most-disturbing memories I have (from books, and documentaries) were patients in iron lungs; where victims with paralyzed diaphragms were provided machine-assistance to enable them to breathe.

I remember seeing two different types of wards: some were  compact rooms where the iron lungs were stacked like bunk beds, and others were expansive open rooms, with patients occupying iron lungs as far as the eye (or at least a camera view-finder) could see:

Polio Ward Showing Many Patients in Iron Lung (assisted breathing device)

Iron Lungs, Rancho Los Amigos Hospital Polio Ward
(Source US Food And Drug Administration)

Many photographic examples  were of pediatric wards. The term “infantile paralysis” was a commonly-used synonym for polio; because unlike Covid-19, a large portion of patients who suffered debilitating illness or death were children. Many of the victims were under the age of 5.

I think this is a key difference why  some  people can be dismissive of  Covid-19’s severity. With our current scourge, it’s easier for us to accept that the lives of older people, or with an underlying conditions, are at risk with any kind of respiratory infection.

While the idea of children becoming disabled or dying, is universally unsettling.

We’ve had many potent visual reminders of  Covid-19: bodies being loaded onto freezer trucks, exhausted nurses and doctors, families saying their goodbyes to loved ones over Zoom video.

I’m not sure if any have the impact of an incumbent president in a wheelchair, or scores  of children, encased in a machine providing them breathing assistance.

Decades from now, what will will be the startling visual reminders of what Covid-19 LOOKED like?


In recent years, there have been several medical opinions that President Roosevelt did not actually suffer from polio. Many claim his symptoms were more consistent with Guillan-BarrÁ© syndrome, an autoimmune condition, induced by a bacterial infection.

Though throughout the onset of his illness through his death he was believed to have had polio.  This perception helped to accelerate the development of polio vaccine, since FDR was the founder of National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis (now known as March of Dimes), which raised hundreds of millions of dollars for the development of the first polio vaccine.


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