Category Archives: Publishing
I Don’t Care If I Never Get Back
Just Passing Through I first arrived in Chicago in late summer of 1992. I intended to only stay about two weeks before returning to the East Coast. As I neared the end of that two-week period, the temperatures had cooled … Continue reading
A DAM Industry: “What Should We Call This Damn Industry?”
A DAM Industry This post is about a digital asset management (DAM) industry. (Note that I wrote “a” DAM industry instead of “the” DAM industry.) DAM (as I learned it) is the acronym/adjective that professionals in one DAM industry have … Continue reading
There Will Be Whitespace
I use to think of myself as a pretty good writer. I was a mass communications major and my courses in journalism, advertising and writing for broadcast, instilled habits of language clarity, brief sentences and abundant whitespace. These habits were … Continue reading
Job Creator
I never envisioned a future where I would live in a house where pots were never dirtied, but I was certain that I would one day achieve a “paperless” newspaper. I longed for that time, when I could reduce my clutter … Continue reading