Author Archives: Scott Smith
Busch League
When I lived in Chicago, a couple of college friends used to come to town when the Cardinals were playing the Cubs because they had a friend who was a Cards relief pitcher. After one game in 1994, my friends … Continue reading
“You’d Be Perfect For This Position”
In the go-go 1990s, when everybody was in a rush to do something ”internety,” I got a call from a recruiter, who breathlessly starting describing a position in the Chicago suburbs. I told her I lived in the city, was … Continue reading
Yesterday (1/10/2021), a couple of days after the president’s Twitter account was locked, I saw tweets and opinion articles, claiming that when social media platforms suspend accounts, (aka PRIVATE companies enforcing their own acceptable-use policies) it’s like “The New Jim … Continue reading
White House Wheelchairs And Lungs of Iron
Nemesis “Finally the cataclysm began — the monstrous headache, the enfeebling exhaustion, the severe nausea, the raging fever, the unbearable muscle ache, followed in another forty-eight hours by the paralysis.” That passage is from Phillip Roth’s novel, “Nemesis” in which … Continue reading