Peak Performance

I realize I am late to the party, but here is my obligatory David Lynch-related post.

I think that Blue Velvet is the only one of his films that I’d seen, so I’m not as knowledgeable about him as many people are. Though his work intersected with my work in the 20th century.

In 1991, I had a walk-on (uncredited) role in the Human Genome Project when a DC-area temp agency assigned me to Craig Venter’s NIH lab.

A protein chemist–who also oversaw the health and well-being of all the lab’s computers– tasked me with finding clip art that matched the names of the Macs that controlled the sequencers.

The computers were named for characters and landmarks in the “Twin Peaks” series. I didn’t recognize any of the names because I’d only seen a few minutes of the show.

After some inquiry (“Who is Dale?”) I was able to find icons browsing Apple’s Hypercard stacks (showing my age, I know.)

Occasionally, one of the scientists would pour themselves a cuppa joe near my desk and comment “Damn good coffee.” I had no idea that was a Twin Peaks reference until just a few years ago.


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