sIn the past several years, a former colleague and software superstar Michael Hamilton has endured a series of severe medical conditions that have put his family in dire financial straits. They have lost most of their possessions including their home, cars, and family heirlooms. They are seeking community support to help address their ever-growing medical-expense burden.
- Michael is 55 and has worked tirelessly since the age of 11.
- Michael and his wife, Margaret have five dependent children
- He is a graduate of the United State Military Academy at West Point
- Michael is very well-known in the software world. He began his career developing for early Apple platforms, and has many years of experience as a masterclass developer and enterprise architect in the Microsoft community.
- About five years ago, Michael was diagnosed with colon cancer and was given six months to live. His response was to work more, to ensure that his family was taken care of when he was gone ( then presumed to be a mere few weeks away). He’s still here and still fighting.
- For the past year, he has been saddled with debilitating pain and life-threatening infections. On multiple occasions, he barely escaped having limbs amputated.
- While he was confined to a hospital in Pennsylvania, where he was working on a project, his home in Michigan, and many heirlooms were seized by the bank.
- His healthcare expenses have reached incompressible levels. For a September hospital stay, his burden was in excess of $91,000…just for his medication!
Not long ago a young man declared on the Internet that he only wanted “to make potato salad” and was quickly endowed with $55,000.
Certainly, there are people who want to help Michael and his family to get back on track after a series of medical crises. If you can’t contribute financially, please share the story.
Their fundraising site and story are here.
You can also make contributions through PayPal that are accessible immediately for things for food, prescriptions, gasoline…If you have a PayPal account and would like to make a donation:
- Login into your PayPal account
- Go to the money transfer page
- Add this address: TheHamiltons@TheHamiltons.INFO
- Add the amount you wish to donate
- Click the “Send Money” button
If you have some SharePoint, .Net, Javascript or other development or enterprise architecture needs, please have a look at Michael’s deep experience.
Can you take a few moments to make help to this military veteran and cancer survivor in anyway you can.