As the weather warms up, I can’t help but reflect on a decision I made in my past. At an age when I felt invincible.
If nothing else, let my story serve as a reminder on the importance of bicycle safety. I have to live with my poor choice, it’s not too late for you to save yourselves.
It was a Chicago summer Saturday in 1994 that I decided to hop on my bike while my head was still sopping wet from the shower. The weather was gorgeous, and I couldn’t wait to get out the door.
I shot a fleeting glance at my bike helmet and chose to leave it on the bookcase. That was a decision that would alter my life forever.
I was heading to Jackson Park, about 9 miles to the south, when I stopped at the Lincoln Park Zoo to use the bathroom. I saw my reflection in the mirror, my hair was no longer wet, thanks to a wind-whipping along Lake Michigan. I drizzled some water on my mane hoping it would lie down a bit.
I walked my bike around the zoo, alternately looking at animals, and the Chicago skyline.
A group of workers inched up behind me in a golf cart. One said, ”Excuse me, sir can we get around you?”
I moved over to the right and they had enough room to pass, and said, ”Thank you, sir have a great day.”
Before I could respond he added, ”Nice Michael Douglas hair, you got there.”
Then his workmate contributed, ”Man, you got yourself a Michael Douglas chin, too.”
A third man said, ”He sure does. He’s got the hair and the damn chin, too. How are those Streets of San Francisco treating you my friend?”
They chortled as I hopped on my bike. The second man spoke again: ”Say hi to Karl Malden.“
”Michael Douglas Hair.” Twenty+years later, those words–th0se caustic words– still haunt me. How could anybody be so cruel?
Don’t let this happen to you:

Please wear a bike helmet.
For God’s sake, protect your hair!